well...good animation... faulty info...
i am a non smoker, and i have personally done a few reports on marijuana and its effects and if it should be legalized. but many of the facts you used were actually wrong. Marijuana doesn't INCREASE the likelihood of cancer, it in fact is the exact same as smoking any carbon based material, therefore weaker than cigarettes. As far as impaired driving goes, actually in the history of marijuana there have been no reported accidents caused by marijuana, its testable, hair and urine samples can test marijuana. Hair samples can be taken and it will detect traces from a 3 month span.
that first image where you showed the guy on the ground after smoking a crap ton... well thats not possible, to officially OD on marijuana you would need UNGODLY amounts of straight THC (the chemical in marijuana that gives the high) and by UNGODLY i seriously mean UNGODLY it would be impossible to reach the OD via smoking, injecting gallons upon gallons upon gallons of THC well thats a different story entirely.
also as far as driving and ODing goes, id prefer a marijuana smoker over an alcoholic drinker. Marijuana smokers still have full ability to do whatever they do in daily tasks. One could be high and ride a bicycle at the same time. One could even hold a normal conversation whilst High. where as drinking gives you impaired judgment and.... deaths via accident or alcohol poisoning.
another thing, marijuana only effects the creativity part of your brain, essentially giving you a new perspective on what you look at or do. It doesnt effect the brain negatively. Yes there are side effects such as short term memory loss, but it only occurs during the high and wears off afterward. so you can distinctly remember what you did during the high, after your high is over. BUT! during your high you actually have a heightened memory (which yes contradicts itself) BUT this memory is boosted only slightly, if i were to tell you to remember a quote during your high and then asked you to recite the quote later during the high after having a conversation with you, you would have the ability to recall what the quote was.
the purpose of me telling you this isn't to change your mind on Marijuana, believe what you will and support what you will. But my point being is that when you research marijuana you should get the facts and not government funded teabagger facts. check other sources of information if its got government in it its false info.